WhatsApp Community Groups

WhatsApp Community Groups

We see part of our role as helping you get ready for your kids’ starting school in kindy and supporting you as you navigate your way through the schooling years.

To that end and to streamline communication and foster stronger connections within our school community, P&C has introduced an umbrella WhatsApp community group. This centralized platform consolidates various individual class groups, alongside other important initiatives such as volunteers, band and strings, and ad hoc events. By joining this single umbrella community group, members now have access to all relevant class and initiative groups through one shared link. This approach simplifies communication efforts, as members only need to engage with one link to access the groups that are most relevant to them. Whether it’s staying updated on class activities or volunteering for school events, our unified WhatsApp community promotes cohesion and enhances engagement among our members.

Please note that all the group chats are completely voluntary and not endorsed by KHPS. These groups are opt-in but very much recommended.

Please be conscious of anyone new to the school to ensure all families are aware of this forum and have the opportunity to join. It was sad to hear some parents/families got to almost the end of the year not being aware that these chat groups existed so please spread the word so we are being the most inclusive of communities!